Sales Training: Create customized courses using Smart Courses | Creativas

Sales Training: Create customized courses using Smart Courses

Khawla Issaoui
February 9, 2021

Remote training is now more accessible with the variety of LMS tools within Confluence. 

Here are quick tips for creating engaging courses successfully:

Start by identifying the course subject: Depending on the company’s future strategy, goals, and needs, you can choose training subjects and transform them into courses.

Set learning objectives: This can help identify the course type.

  • Exam mode: to test knowledge and evaluate levels
  • Simple course mode: to learn and train about specific subjects
  • Assigned course with a due date: assign a course to particular users or groups and potentially set a due date to make sure attendees are in sync.
Check out this guideline for sales training: How to identify a course?

Select a title and an adequate thumbnail: this helps identify the course quickly while searching in the course catalog.

Outline your course: Sections and capsules are the main components of Smart Courses. Predefine your course sections based on your learning objectives.

Audit and collect all needed information and learning material: While auditing, you can correctly and efficiently identify pre-existing content and the kind of new educational material that needs to be created.  As mentioned in our previous blog 5 reasons why you need Smart Courses within Confluence, Smart Courses supports SCORM to bring in your existing data.

Build your course: Smart Courses allows integrating different content types. You can upload images and media, insert/ link web pages, integrate PDFs, embed slideshares, and much more. Course creators can bring in various content types.

Learn more about Smart Courses Learning Capsules

Set configuration and permissions: select/ restrict who can view and attend your course. Confluence users are usually familiar with this option. Read to know more about Smart Courses permissions.

Same use-case: Sales department, business developers, Marketing department, Webmaster

Track metrics: it is essential to know the progress rate or success rate of an exam. Smart Courses makes it possible to track metrics per attendee or per course via an easy-to-read dashboard.

Check Smart Courses editor
Try Smart Courses for Confluence

Guideline with Smart Courses
