Smart Courses | Creativas - Part 3
September 7, 2021

Keys to better decision-making

We make decisions every day in our lives, yet we don't always make the right ones. Well, that's normal! You don't have to worry about it. What's more important is… Read Story

September 3, 2021

Why should you start implementing microlearning in your e-learning program?

As organizations are aware of the importance of e-learning, especially after the COVID era, they definitely came across microlearning as well. For more effective learning, organizations are opting for shorter… Read Story

August 27, 2021

Adaptive learning through an e-learning tool

Adaptive learning has existed in education history since the 1950s, but people started paying it more attention again in 2020 when COVID invaded the world. With the existence of e-learning,… Read Story

August 24, 2021

5 questions to ask yourself in order to create high impact e-training courses

Since many companies switched to virtual learning, AKA e-learning, it became mandatory to pay more attention to teams' Training and Development (T&D). That's why more effort has to be put… Read Story

August 18, 2021

Blended learning for the Post-COVID era!

A year ago, we dreamed of the moment of getting back to our regular old lives and jump into those little life experiences to remember the taste of freedom, happiness…… Read Story

August 16, 2021

Engage teams more in e-learning

Due to COVID19, everything is now done remotely. We mainly talk about businesses here, as they adapted to this new lifestyle accordingly. However, since the learning and development of teams… Read Story

August 5, 2021

Tips on how to improve teams’ productivity with e-learning

The evolution of technology led to the growth of information in general and learning in particular. This caused the revolution of the latter and generated e-learning, which is defined “as… Read Story

August 2, 2021

Contribute to Team Building in Post-COVID era using Smart Courses for Confluence

As businesses worldwide started adapting to the COVID work-from-home lifestyle, all the team activities need to switch to remote activities. The team building that used to be held in the office… Read Story

May 26, 2021

How to keep a rocking work outcome while working from home during COVID-19?

After more than one year since this pandemic has started, we are more likely to be familiar with remote work, using all those communication and collaboration tools, emails became more… Read Story

March 10, 2021

eTraining program: successful or not?

Evaluation is the most important part of all training types. It brings tangibility to elements involved in training. This phase determines how training has impacted the organization's growth, performance… Read Story
